Recent scholarship surrounding medieval dance history
Books and Book Chapters
Dance, Spectacle, and the Body Politick, 1250–1750, ed. by Jennifer Nevile (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2008)
Nevile, Jennifer, ‘Dance in Europe 1250–1750’, pp. 7–64
Silen, Karen, ‘Dance in Late Thirteenth-Century Paris’, pp. 67–79
Dickason, Kathryn, Ringleaders of Redemption: How Medieval Dance Became Sacred (New York: Oxford University Press, 2020)
Dixon, Peggy, Dances From The Courts Of Europe, 12th To 19th Century: Mediaeval To 15th Century French Basse Dance Volume I (Nonsuch Productions, 1999)
Comes with separate associated appendix
Hellsten, Laura, Through the Bone and Marrow: Re-examining Theological Encounters with Dance in Medieval Europe (Turnhout: Brepols, 2021)
Kent, Ann and Paul Kent, Cherwell Thy Wyne: Dances of fifteenth-century England from the Gresley Manuscript (HDS Publications, 2013)
Miller Renberg, Lynneth, Women, Dance and Parish Religion in England, 1300-1640 (Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2022)
Mullally, Robert, The Carole: A Study Of A Medieval Dance (Abingdon: Routledge, 2011)
Music, Dance And Society: Medieval And Renaissance Studies In Memory Of Ingrid G. Brainard, ed. by Ann Buckley and Cynthia J. Cyrus (Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications, 2011)
Beck, Eleonora M., ‘Dancing in the Street: Fourteenth-Century Representations of Music and Justice’, pp. 173-88
Monahin, Nona, ‘Reading (into?) Renaissance Dane: Misura in the Service of Dramaturgy’, pp. 211-30
Nevile, Jenifer, ‘Dance and Identity in Fifteenth-Century Europe’, pp. 231-48
Royston, Darren, Dramatic Dance: An Actor's Approach To Dance As A Dramatic Art (London: Bloomsbury Methuen Drama, 2014)
Sachs, Curt, World History of the Dance (New York: W. W. Norton & Company Inc., 1937)
Salmen, Walter, ‘Dances and Dance Music, c. 1300–1530’, in New Oxford History of Music: Music as Concept and Practice in the Late Middle Ages, ed. by Reinhard Strohm and Bonnie J. Blackburn, 10 vols (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001), III, pp. 162-90
Wood, Melusine, Historical Dances (Twelfth to Nineteenth Century) (London: Dance Books Ltd, 1952)
Journals and Journal Articles
Historical Dance (previously known as Dolmetsch Historical Dance Society Journal) by The Historical Dance Society - https://historicaldance.org.uk/journal/index
Cruickshank, Diana, ‘Doppii suxo uno piede or Contrapassi in Quadernaria Misura’, Historical Dance, 3 (1992), 11-3
Dixon, Peggy, ‘Reflections on Basse Dance Source Material: A Dancer’s Review’, Historical Dance, 2 (1987), 22-9
Garcia, Carles Mas i, ‘Baixa Dansa in the Kingdom of Catalonia and Aragon in the 15th century’, Historical Dance, 3 (1992), 15-23
Lewin, Basil, ‘On the Setting of Music to the 15th Century Italian Dances’, Historical Dance, 3 (1999), 27-9
Nevile, Jenifer, ‘Dance Steps and Music in the Gresley Manuscript’, Historical Dance, 3 (1999), 2-19
Pilling, Julian, ‘The Wild Morisco or The Historical Morris’, Historical Dance, 2 (1980), 15-21
Wilson, David, ‘A further look at the Nancy Basse Dances’, Historical Dance, 3 (1994), 24-8
Wilson, David, ‘‘Corona’, a bassa danza ala fila by Domenico’, Historical Dance, 4 (2004), 23-8
Wilson, David, ‘‘Damnes’ as described by Domenico, Cornazano and Guglielmo’, Historical Dance, 2 (1988), 3-8
Wilson, David, ‘‘La giloxia’/‘Gelosia’ as described by Domenico and Guglielmo’, Historical Dance, 3 (1992), 3-9
Wilson, David, ‘Language in fifteenth-century Italian dance descriptions’, Historical Dance, 4 (2004), 29-32
Wilson, David, ‘The Development of French Basse Dances’, Historical Dance, 2 (1985), 5-12
Wilson, David, ‘Theory and Practice in 15th-Century French Basse Danse’, Historical Dance, 2 (1983), 1-2
Hellsten, Laura, ’The Liminal Space of Medieval Dance Practices: The Case of St. Eluned’s Feast Day’, Arts, 79, 11 (2022), 1-32
Pash, Meg, ‘The Brussels Manuscript: Interpreting the Fifteenth-Century Basse Danse’, Dance Chronicle, 40 (2017), 414-20
Radio Programmes
BBC, "Medieval Dance", The Early Music Show, 2015 <https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b05s3cjc>
‘Dances from the Gresley Manuscript - Circa 1500’, Renaissance Footnotes, 2002 <http://www.pbm.com/~lindahl/lod/vol5/gresley.html>
‘Dance moves from medieval manuscripts’, The British Library, 2018 <https://blogs.bl.uk/digitisedmanuscripts/2018/07/dance-moves-from-medieval-manuscripts.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+digitisedmanuscripts+%28Medieval+Manuscripts%29>
"How Did Medieval People Dance?", Medievalists.Net, 2011 <https://www.medievalists.net/2013/09/how-did-medieval-people-dance/>
Pittaway, Ian, "The English Estampie: Interpreting A Medieval Dance Tune", Early Music Muse, 2019 <https://earlymusicmuse.com/english-estampie/>
Soth, Amelia, "When Dancing Plagues Struck Medieval Europe", Jstor Daily, 2019 <https://daily.jstor.org/when-dancing-plagues-struck-medieval-europe/>
"The Early Renaissance c1445 – c1535", Early Dance Circle
"The Middle Ages", Early Dance Circle <https://www.earlydancecircle.co.uk/resources/dance-through-history/the-middle-ages/>
Contextual Sources
Barber, Richard, The Prince in Splendour: Court Festivals of Medieval Europe (London: The Folio Society, 2016)
Mortimer, Ian, The Time Traveller’s Guide to Medieval England (London: Vintage, 2009)
Tuchman, Barbara, A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century (London: Penguin Books, 2017)